
Why You Should Consider Booking a Visa Consultation: Key Insights

15 Aug


Do you want to migrate to Australia?


Are you struggling to understand the available Visa options?


Do you want the best migration advice you can trust? 


In this blog, we will explain why it is important to schedule a visa consultation with one of our Registered Migration Agents or Immigration Lawyers regarding your visa options.


We’ll cover:
  • The purpose of migration consultation.
  • Why we don’t offer free advice.
  • What happens in one of our consultations.
  • When to book a consultation (and when not to).
  • How to book a consultation with us.


What do you hope to achieve by scheduling a Migration Consultation?

When attempting to navigate the path to Australian immigration, we know how hard it is to get the right information that applies specifically to your situation and needs. Whilst there is a lot of advice out there on the world wide web, unfortunately, rapid changes in law and variations in opinions and situations can unnecessarily complicate matters.

When applying for an Australian visa, it is crucial to have a clear understanding of your situation, desired outcome, eligible visa types, and associated costs and processes.

Having been in this industry for many years (and most of us being Australian migrants ourselves), we understand that clarity is one of the hardest things to attain at this early stage of the process. Like all legal matters, Australian immigration law is extremely complex, but many people (to their detriment) bluff themselves into thinking it’s simple and obvious.

The purpose of our consultations is to assist you in gaining a comprehensive understanding of your situation and the necessary steps to migrate to Australia – to provide you with a migration masterplan to enable you to make Australia your home.

Consultations also provide an opportunity to learn about our services and determine if they are right for you.


Why we don’t offer free advice.

We acknowledge that the immigration process can be overwhelming and intimidating, raising the question of why we do not provide free advice. To shed some light on the matter, here’s a brief explanation of our reasoning:


Expertise & Experience

Our team is made up of skilled professionals who have invested significant time and resources in their immigration law education and training. When you seek migration advice from us, you’re leveraging years of experience and deep knowledge.

Quality Assurance

To provide the best service, we maintain a rigorous standard of legal research, training, and resources. Charging for our services allows us to sustain and continuously enhance the quality of our advice.

Personalised Attention

Every case is unique. By ensuring that our services are paid for, we can allocate the necessary time and resources to give your case the detailed attention it deserves. You really do get what you pay for. Our commitment to delivering quality outcomes is reflected in the value you receive for your investment.

Operational Costs

Like any business, we have operational costs such as salaries, office space, utilities, and tools. These are essential to keep our operations running smoothly and effectively for our clients.


When both parties invest in a service, there’s a heightened sense of commitment. We are deeply committed to achieving the best outcome for you, and we believe that this commitment should be mutual.


What happens in the consultation?

During your consultation, our team of skilled Registered Migration Agents and Immigration Lawyers will carefully assess your individual situation. Whether you are single or in a relationship, located onshore or offshore, possess highly sought-after skills, have an employer ready to sponsor you, or wish to sponsor someone else, we will guide you through the intricacies and determine the most suitable visa options for your specific requirements.

As this consultation is for you to gain clarity, we also welcome any questions you have and encourage you to use this opportunity to ask those pesky questions which have been hanging around in your mind.

We will give you an idea of the process and the costs which will be incurred for that particular visa type as well as time-frames that you will need to adhere to.

Following on from the consultation (which is usually around 30-45 mins), we will send you an email outlining our  fees and how to move forward if you wish to use our services.

From here, the decision is completely yours on how or when you wish to proceed.


Our Migration Consultation process
Our 3 step consultation process


When should you book a consultation?

We recommend booking a consultation at the earliest stage possible when considering doing your visa.

There are usually three main scenarios in which one may book a consultation with us:

  • When you are exploring the possibility of getting an Australian visa.You are at the very early stages and are confused about which visas you may be eligible for.You want to discuss your options so that you can then plan for your next steps. You may not be ready to apply for your visa for six months or a year but you just want to get your ducks in a row and be prepared.
  • You have done your research and have an idea of which visa you will be eligible for, but you’re not sure. Whilst you believe you meet the criteria, you want to run it past a professional first to make sure there isn’t anything you have missed or any legalities which might get in the way. At this stage, you are probably quite certain you will go ahead. Most often you are gaining clarity on the visa type whilst also doing research into which migration agent to use or what path to go down. You will probably be looking to lodge your application in the new few months and time is on your side.
  • The third main scenario is that you are ready to do your visa and need to get onto it ASAP. Your current visa may be expiring soon so you need to take action immediately. The consultation is to confirm that we can help you, you have everything you need, and also for you to make a decision on whether you want to use our services.


Is yours a more complex issue?

Whilst the above are the main reasons that you would book a consultation with one of our immigration specialists, there are also other reasons. If you are unlawful, have had a visa refusal, are wanting to appeal to the AAT, have a health issue or have a criminal history, we highly recommend also booking in a consultation to speak to someone.


When not to book a consultation
  • Unfortunately, as our service involves managing the entire visa process from start to finish, we are unable to speak to you about a visa you have already lodged. Unless you have already had a refusal decision from the Department of Home Affairs which you want to appeal, we cannot review your application.
  • We don’t provide advice about the following visa types:
    • Refugee Visas
    • Student Visas


How to book a consultation?

Booking a consultation has never been easier. Just click on the link below, select your preferred consultation method – telephone or Zoom – and choose a time that fits your schedule. You’ll receive a confirmation email and a reminder text, and then we’ll be in touch at the scheduled time for your consultation. It’s that simple!



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