Subclass 482 TSS & 457 Visas – Adding Your Partner To Your Visa
Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa  Holder?  Add your Spouse/Partner

Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa Holder? Add your Spouse/Partner

If you’re currently holding a Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) visa, it is possible to add your spouse or de facto partner to your visa as a secondary applicant.

It doesn’t matter that your visa has already been granted (unlike Permanent Residence visas where partners cannot be added once the visa is granted).


Your Partner can apply in or outside Australia

Your spouse or de facto partner can be inside or outside Australia at the time of applying to be added to your visa.


Your Partner will have unlimited work rights

Your spouse or de facto partner will be granted a TSS visa with unrestricted work rights, which will expire on the same date as your subclass TSS  visa.


Want to know more?
TSS visa partner